It is often a requirement to establish the outstanding liability a retail store has in relation to Gift Certificates/Gift Vouchers.

This requirement is addressed in FlexQuery through the AUDIT -> Receipts -> Gift Certificates (Vouchers) source query.  Running the query and layout out the view as shown in the image below will produce a quick report of all Gift Certificate transactions with their associated amounts.  Subtotalling these then quickly shows which Gift Certificates still have an un-redeemed amount, which have been redeemed fully, and which have been over-redeemed.

The grouping of the layout will need to be based, at a minimum, on DOC_NO which represents the Gift Certificate number.

By layout out the view in this manner you can drill down to individual invoices. When you sell a gift certificate, it is treated as ‘Change’ Tender’ So selling a gift certificate gives you a negative value in the AMT column. If the subtotal is:

  • greater than $0.00, the Gift Certificate has been over-redeemed.
  • $0.00, the Gift Certificate has been fully redeemed.
  • less than $0.00, the Gift Certificate has not yet been fully redeemed – this represents the retailer’s liability.

Gift Certificates

Once the layout has been created, it can be saved (along with a predefined filter) and added to My FlexQuery for easy retrieval at a later time.